
Comments (87)

What do you think?

This is the thumbnail of my game, I currently put it on devlog right now. But I'm trying to make a game with these animatronics int hem. XD

Do you have any guess when this will come out?

No need to rush or anything, I'm just curious.

Also is there a way to make freeroam games

okay this is epic

i have a question. can we import our own models?

Fnaf Kit is a game designed to allow for the creation of custom nights and maps that are both sharable and playable by anyone else with the game. The project was in on and off development for its first year, before it was scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up in its current form.

This game is a one-man effort, so progress is not that fast. If interested in helping out, pm me.

#pointnclick #survival #fangame #horror #other #fnaf #levelEditor #MapMaker #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Sorry for a lack of updates here, folks. I've been busy these last few months moving house. The new mouse system is all planned out and ready to have all the old code attached to it now.

Light menus are working fine. Now turning my attention to rewriting mouse interaction. The code is some of the oldest in the game and could be far more efficient.

Light menu is still undergoing it's refit, some behind the scenes code changes making it easier to edit multiple lights. A light will also toggle on/off depending on its intensity. So custom events don't need to be loaded with two different commands.

Lighting object rewrites are almost complete. New menus support greater control over light shapes, Multiple lights on a single object and power settings have been made into their own separate menu so that different object types can reuse it.

Tall walls are all modeled and intergrated into the engine and work seamlessly with the previous two wall styles. actual wall skins for this set are incoming. A new test build featuring these changes will follow up soon.

Wall height is being adjusted to accommodate things such as stages and lighting while also giving animatronics more breathing space.

Thats the games swatch and catalogue system rewritten. no more easily corruptable lists and crowded menus.


Buttons ver 2- jumpscare Test


Buttons jump scare test shot


I know it has been a while since the last update, but life got in the way. Here we can see how buttons can be customized and given functionality through the event system. More to come as the event system grows.